Issue Position: Individual Choice - You're loosing it!

Issue Position

Date: May 13, 2014
Issues: Elections

In Montgomery County diversity is priority number one except in political thought. There it is discouraged and in some cases not allowed.

There is no choice of political ideas in Montgomery County. All elected officials are democrats. Even our State's Attorney and other highly appointed officials. Thus our local, state, and national platforms have become ones of expanded government which eventually regulates more and more aspects of your life, causing your personal choices to diminish with each passing legislative session.

The powers that be do not feel you are trustworthy enough to choose the school your child attends, whether you can protect your family with a legally purchased gun, which doctor you see, which health plan you will use, which causes your tax dollars will support, how much you will pay your employees, and who will be in a public bathroom with you or your child. They make national news by threatening to prosecute folks who subtly show their faith in Christianity or Judaism, or an elementary school student who chews his pop-tart into the shape of a gun.

But most importantly, they do not want you to have a choice of being represented by someone who stands for limited government, low taxes, freedom of religious expression, school choice, and support of the second amendment. You deserve a choice, and can have one by electing me to represent a differing side to the status quo.
